Sunday 11 July 2021

How SMS Firewall is Protecting Mobile Operators from Fraudulent transactions, URL spoofing, and Data mining?


SMS Firewall

SMS Firewall is a simple application that provides a means to browse text messages sent from the mobile phone and to block any e-mail that looks suspicious. SMS Firewall comes with a variety of advantages over SMS monitoring through email and various other applications. SMS Firewall is a solution to both SMS security and A2P merchandising and comes with a variety of built-in features for SMS filtering and detection. The SMS firewall directly monitors SMS traffic and immediately blocks any e-mail messages that appear suspicious.
SMS Firewall also allows mobile operators to introduce and manage their own set of policies. These policies can be per product/service/country and per-network/carrier. As an example, some telecom operators have decided to block applications that use overage charges, calling rates, or text message fees. This means that customizing the way in which SMS Firewall works and what its blocking capabilities can make it a far more effective tool for telecom operators than e-mail or web-based applications that are similar to SMS monitoring tools. There is some very useful information available on the SMS Firewall website and it is available to all customers who sign up to SMS Firewall and also to Google's iamins system.
SMS revenue leakage is perhaps one of the biggest reasons why telecommunications companies look to implement SMS Firewall. The vast majority of SMS traffic is commercial in nature and it makes little sense for a mobile operator to spend money monitoring SMS revenue. However, there are some exceptions to this principle where it is sensible for businesses to take note, for instance, where bulk SMS is sent through grey routes or bulk senders are used to circumvent SMS regulation and pricing. Apart from controlling and filtering SMS content, Firewall uses SMS management software that keeps a log of the SMS that is received and sent by subscribers using the SMS Firewall interface. This helps in effective communication between the company and its subscribers. In fact, through a fully implemented SMS management software Firewall subscribers can control their text messages and can easily change or reject messages that they feel are not suitable.

SMS fraud can be dangerous if not detected and handled in time. SMS Firewall has the capability to detect and block spam messages before they reach the user and help in reducing spam and fraudulent calls to the mobile user. In the last few years, the rate of SMS spam has increased significantly in the U.K. and this has led to several regulatory concerns over the lack of SMS fraud management amongst mobile phone users. Through a fully implemented SMS Firewall system, the company can ensure that all text messages are delivered to the intended recipient and only genuine business-related text messages make it to the recipients. By using an SMS Firewall, the company can prevent a large number of fraudulent transactions, such as bulk SMS, phishing, URL spoofing, data mining, and phone calls that are made from non-legitimate sources. Fraudulent activities can be easily detected and controlled with the help of the SMS Firewall.

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