Wednesday 3 November 2021

Biopreservation is rapidly witnessing massive adoption as it improves the product life, minimizes the impact on nutritional properties, and enhances the hygienic quality

Biopreservation Market

Biopreservation is the process of preservation of life by using microorganisms or bacteria. In the field of agriculture, it is a kind of preservation that concentrates on preserving the quality of meat and dairy products by adding specific strains of microorganisms. The modern-day concerns in food safety have made people aware of the value of using microorganisms for preservation. Food spoilage is a common problem faced by millions of people all around the world. One can never be sure of the type of food one consumes as the types change depending on where it was grown and how it was preserved.

A lot of crops do not deteriorate over time; however, certain crops such as meat and dairy products may undergo spoilage after some period of time due to bacterial or fungal infections. To ensure complete food preservation, one must learn about the different types of food spoilage and the different methods of protecting them. Proper Food preservations can also minimize the risks of food-borne illness. Many people use biopreservation to extend the shelf life of food. The methods include different approaches that focus on the preservation of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The most commonly used methods are known as refrigeration, primary culture, secondary culture, autoclave, and dehydration. All of these techniques preserve the product from the harmful effects of oxygen, moisture, heat, light, enzymes, and bacteria.

Aerobic biopreservation involves the growth of bacteria under controlled conditions at very high temperatures. The resulting product is a sterile product, free from any bacterial contamination. Aerobes are aerobes, which are bacteria that do not need air to grow. Under certain conditions, they can proliferate at the lowest temperature possible without any external influence. This is one of the main advantages of biopreservation over bacterial or fungal contamination of fresh meat products. Recently, in July 2021, DSM launched new phage-robust culture rotations to biopreserve cheese.

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